MR imaging Theory (II)  
Slice selection
Frequency encoding
Phase encoding
Data acquisition
MR imaging
Starting from NMR spectroscopy, understanding the principles of MR imaging is straightforward. Instead of using the individual resonance frequencies to distinguish between spins with different magnetic environment, only nuclei with identical energy level differences (at a constant magnetic field) are considered for imaging. Since an organism mainly consists of water, this molecule is ideally suited to act as "proton donor". Other protons with similar resonance frequencies (e.g. in fat) are prominent as well and can therefore have an influence on image quality. Nevertheless, we will assume that only one resonance frequency is present, so that only one line would be observable in an NMR spectrum.

Using magnetic field gradients in the three spatial dimensions (Gx, Gy, Gz) identical nuclei experience locally different magnetic fields and therefore different energy level spacings. As a consequence, the resonance frequency becomes a function of the position within the probe. Again, the resulting signal (the FID) is an overlay of individual periodic functions and, after Fourier transformation, the intensities represent the number of water protons present in a definite volume element. The varying intensities are displayed as respective grey scale values in the final MR image.

The difficulty of this method is to individually encode and decode the spatial information for the three orthogonal directions. In 2D imaging (tomography) we have to distinguish between slice selection, frequency encoding, and phase encoding which are introduced in the following. Although the respective axes are sometimes labeled with x, y and z, they do not necessarily coincide with the cartesian axes. In principle, the choice of axes is arbitrary, because any set of orthogonal gradient axes can be produced by linear combination of the Gx,Gy,Gz.

Slice selection

Figure 8
  According to the Larmor equation, the excitation frequency is directly proportional to the applied magnetic field. This can be used to selectively excite distinct parts of the probe. A gradient field in z-direction (Gz) causes a linearly varying magnetic field along z and thus, a defined slice can be excited using an RF pulse of a certain frequency width (Fig. 8). By either increasing the gradient strength (dashed line) or by decreasing the RF pulse width, the slice thickness can be reduced.

The total magnetic field at a position zSS (SS = slice selection) during application of Gz is given by B0+zSS·Gz and the spatially selective excitation energy or frequency, respectively, can be easily calculated using the Larmor equation.

In tomographic MR imaging slice selection allows for reduction of the 3D problem to only two dimensions.

Frequency encoding
After slice selection the encoding of spatial information has only to be performed in two dimensions. This can be accomplished by magnetic field gradients in the respective directions. These are differentiated by the time of gradient switching, i.e. before or during data acquisition. The first case, the so-called phase encoding, is discussed below. In the second case (frequency encoding), a readout gradient GRO is switched during data acquisition and the gradient direction is therefore called the 'readout direction'. GRO produces an additional, linearly varying magnetic field and due to the proportionality between magnetic field and frequency, the latter also alters linearly. Spins at different positions therefore emit radiation with different frequencies which can be distinguished after Fourier transformation. Each frequency is related to a specific position on the readout axis and the intensity of the radiation with this frequency is proportional to the number of spins emitting at this position.

In addition to this descriptive depiction, frequency encoding can also be explained using the k-space formalism (analogous to phase encoding). This is briefly introduced in the following section.


Figure 9
  "k-space" is the quite mystic denotation for the raw data matrix in MRI. These data can be converted into an image using Fourier transformation (Fig. 9). Analogous to the above example of a Fourier pair (time and frequency domain with s and Hz=1/s as associated dimensions), imaging is associated with two reciprocal parameters: m and 1/m. A tomographical MR image is nothing more than a position-dependent intensity distribution and therefore corresponds to the position domain (m). Accordingly, the variable k describes the other domain of the Fourier pair and its dimension is 1/m.
The value kx defines the number of phase cycles per meter distance from the origin (x=0) a magnetization vector passes through due to application of the magnetic field gradient (Gx). By analogy to the frequency given as cycles per time, k is called the "spatial frequency".

Phase changes of a magnetization vector depend on the gradient strength and its length. In a so-called pulse sequence (see below), RF pulses and the acquisition window are displayed together with the gradient lobes defining amplitude and length of the gradient pulses along the three orthogonal directions. As an example, the magnitude of kx in Fig. 10 is proportional to the gradient duration τx as well as to the (constant) gradient amplitude Gx.

Figure 10
Phase encoding

Figure 11
  As already mentioned, the phase encoding gradient GPE is switched on and off prior to data acquisition in order to set the (spatial-dependent) phase of the spins and therefore kPE. For N points in the PE direction we need exactly N values of kPE obtained by stepwise modification of GPE.

As a consequence, we need N acquisition cycles with GPE modified by a constant ΔGPE per time step (Fig. 11, left). Using a constant gradient duration τ, kPE changes equidistantly by a value ΔkPE.

By analogy, we can also explain the effect of readout gradients by using the k-space formalism. In reality, the GRO amplitude during data acquisition is identical for the entire experiment. However, a continuous variation of kRO is realized by acquiring the data points at different time points i·Δt (i=1..N) (Fig. 11, right).

Hence, all values of kRO can be measured within a single acquisition cycle so that total imaging time is mainly defined by the number of phase encoding steps. Looking at k-space, we see full row filling during each cycle. The row number is defined by the phase encoding step.
Data acquisition

Figure 12
  The acquisition window shown at the bottom of Fig. 12 is set during positive readout gradient switching. The raw data signal which is called an "echo" is shown in red.

In the upper part of the figure, the variable kRO is drawn as a function of time. As can be seen, kRO changes from minimal to maximal value within the acquisition interval (between the time points A and B). The negative start value at A is produced by switching on a negative gradient before the acquisition. This changes the magnetization of the probe. The change is different for different positions on the readout axis thereby producing a net dephasing of the original M0 value.

Subsequently switching a positive gradient reverses these phase manipulations until, for equal areas of negative and positive gradients, the initial phases are recovered for the whole probe. At this point kRO equals zero and the echo is at its maximum. Further application of the readout gradient again produces net dephasing and therefore a continuously decreasing signal.

The meaning of positive and negative gradients is illustrated in Fig. 13 which shows the total magnet field (blue lines) composed of the static field B0 and the gradient fraction. When the gradient is switched on, we apply an additional magnetic field in the B0 direction with its amplitude linearly changing along the gradient (here: readout) direction. Usually, the origin coincides with the object center (x=0).

A positive gradient means that for x<0, a magnet field anti-parallel to B0 is overlayed, correspondingly a field parallel to B0 for x>0. Hence, the magnetization vector is static at x=0, whereas neighboring spins on both sides are moving symmetrically but in different directions within the xy plane.

A negative gradient (relations to B0 are given by the arrows) inverts the moving direction of all spins.

Figure 13
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